If you stand in front of the Hard Rock Café at the corner of West 43rd Street and 7th Avenue, in the heart of New York’s Times Square, the US Military Recruiting Centre will be directly across the street. The side of that building sports a US Flag created with what appears to be thousands […]
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Haleakala, House of the Sun
If ever there was an image that was simply a matter of “f/8 and be there,” this would be it. Being there, at sunrise no less, means leaving the comfort of your hotel bed at about 4 am (depending on where you are staying) to drive 50-odd miles and 10,000 feet up the side of […]
Ask Better Questions
Asking better questions will help you understand what you are trying to show your viewer. “Why this image? “Why right now?” “What made me pick up the camera and point it at this subject?” “What is it about this subject that I am trying to show the viewer?” There are also more questions than just those that start with, “Why?” or “What?” There is also “What if?” Asking “What if?” frees your imagination, allowing it to go in new creative directions.
Want Better Travel Photos? Think Like a Film-maker
The summer travel season is only a few short months ahead. It’s not too soon to think about capturing the best travel images of your life. As a photographer, the chance to travel and immerse myself in another culture while working to capture the essence of a place is a challenge I simply cannot turn […]
The Power of Patience
Often, the difference between a so-so image and a good one is patience. You start by recognizing the possibilities and visualizing what needs to happen to turn merely good into great. It then becomes a matter of either making that happen or waiting for it to happen. A bit of luck is implicit in the […]
Autumn Leaf at Dusk
Perhaps I should file this under “What to do with a familiar subject you have shot hundreds of times.” I’ve shot single leaves on various backgrounds over the years, so when I spotted this solitary maple leaf, my initial enthusiasm quickly faded when I realized it was another variation of the same theme I had […]
Take Your Camera to Dinner
If you want to shoot more interesting sunsets, put more interesting stuff in front of them… oh, and you’ll need to have your camera with you as well. I don’t carry a camera everywhere, perhaps because I no longer expect to find a career-defining image on my way to the corner store. But the opposite […]
No Bad Light
Light is one of the most important elements in any image. Mid-day sunlight, as we learn early on in our photographic journey, is to be avoided. Harsh shadows created by excessive tone contrast will ruin any image you create in the middle hours of a sunny day. How incredibly limiting…. The issue isn’t that sunny […]
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I’m Mark English. I’m a photographer, teacher, and author. For over 40 years, I’ve followed a passion for capturing the beauty in the world around us and, along the way, enjoyed helping others do the same. Welcome.