Photography, Online Courses, Workshops and eBooks

Been involved in photography for over forty years. Shot professionally at various times, but mostly just for the pure joy of it. A former member of the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC). Now retired, I shoot mostly for personal projects — completely taken with Mediterranean Europe — travel there every chance I get. I also get a kick out of teaching, so I put on workshops from time to time… some locally (visual design and composition, digital colour management and digital workflow). I’ve been an instructor with Bryan Peterson’s online school ( since its beginnings in 2008. I also conduct more-or-less annual workshops in Provence and Tuscany. More than anything though, I think of myself as an amateur in the original sense… an enthusiastic life-long learner. Forty years in, I know I’ve only scratched the surface. Still excited! Still wake up each morning and fall asleep each night thinking about photography

As for equipment – I’m a complete brand agnostic. I just don’t care anymore… the image is all that matters. Queries directed my way on the merits of one brand over the other, or which lens to buy next are greeted with a shrug; the only piece of equipment that really matters is the one 6 inches behind the camera

In our media-saturated world, I’m still amazed by the power of the still image to command our attention… to evoke emotion: Joy. anger, compassion, and even at times to galvanize a nation or the world to action. Susan Sontag wrote in her book, “On Photography”,

“Photographs may be more powerful than moving images…
because they are a neat slice of time, not a flow.”

The power and continuing relevance of still images derive from this ability to capture the brief and all too ephemeral moments in life – holding them frozen in time forever.

Interested in more information on courses, workshops and other learning opportunities? Let’s talk — get in touch below.

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