The first of what will be a series of short books covering photographic related topics. Hopefully useful, sometimes thought provoking or at least interesting. Most will cost no more than $5, and the first one is on me.No-charge! Free! Nada! No-strings attached.All I ask is that you provide me with some honest feedback in the […]
The Power of Triadic Colour
Unless you’re a dedicated B&W photographer, colour represents a powerful part of any image you create. Colour evokes emotional responses in our viewers. Blue, the colour of the sky and sea can invoke feelings of calm and tranquility, yellow and orange: vitality and happiness. Red, perhaps the most commanding of our intention often denotes aggression, […]
Targeted Image Sharpening
Image sharpening is usually one of the last steps in editing a digital image. It’s also where the choices made can either reveal or destroy the fine detail you worked so hard to capture. In this short video let’s, look at two simple elements of sharpening that are often applied inappropriately or completely ignored, but […]
High ISO Noise Reduction
Shooting during the “Blue Hour” – after sunset, or before sunrise means setting up a tripod for the long exposure times you will need. But, sometimes it’s not possible to set up a tripod; the location may be too crowded, there may be rules against setting up a tripod at your location, or maybe you […]
“Get it Right In-Camera” or “Fix-It in Post”
You have undoubtedly heard both familiar phrases before. “Get it right in camera” is the purist’s view, believing that the only purpose of post-processing is to restore a faithful version of the subject. “Fix-it-post” on the other hand, holds that the shutter click is only the start of the creative process; post-processing is a valid […]
Looking for Motivation? Try a Four-Season Project
Looking for something that will motivate you to get out shooting? Why not try a Four-Season project? Simply pick a location close enough and accessible throughout the year so that you will be able to get to it at some point during the peak of each season. Pick a location that will highlight the changes […]