As a group, wide-angle lenses are seemingly the hardest for beginning photographers to master. Why is that? Well, for two reasons actually, both tied to their wide field of view.We generally think of “wide-angle” as referring to lenses for full frame cameras of about 35mm or less (about 24mm or less for reduced frame, APS-C […]
Slow Down and Keep Shooting
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while you could miss it.” — Ferris Bueller Life does seem to move faster and faster with each passing year. The pace just never seems to slow down; deadlines at work, soccer practice and dance lessons for the kids, lawns to […]
Overcoming Inertia
Is passion necessary to create great images? If you are not passionate about your subject, is it possible to create images that others will find interesting, let alone inspiring? To quote Jay Maisel, “If you’re not excited about your images, how can you expect me to be excited about them?” It’s hard to argue against […]
Passion and Work
Is passion necessary to create great images? If you are not passionate about your subject, is it possible to create images that others will find interesting, let alone inspiring? To quote Jay Maisel, “If you’re not excited about your images, how can you expect me to be excited about them?” It’s hard to argue against […]
Enhancing the Third Dimension
Photography is a two dimensional medium which we use to represent a three dimensional world. The basic visual cues that allow us to infer the third dimension in a photograph include: Size — whenever we have familiar objects in the frame, we use their relative size as a clue to their relative distance from us. Focus — […]
Want Better Travel Photos? Think Like a Film-maker
With Christmas and New Year behind us, the summer travel season is only a few short months ahead. It’s not too soon to be thinking about the capturing the best travel images of your life. As a photographer, the chance to travel and immerse myself in another culture while working to capture the essence of […]