Lightroom Classic has evolved over the last while to include a rich set of tools in the develop module. Photoshop is still better at somethings than Lightroom, complex selections and masking, for example, but I find little reason to round trip to Photoshop for perhaps 95% of the work that I do. Some of the […]
Lightroom Classic — After the Click
My online course. “After the Click, Refining Your Vision in Adobe Lightroom” is newly updated and expanded. I wrote this course partly as a response to many other courses out there which for the most part are based mostly in procedure; focusing on process… sliders and check boxes, etc. Instead, the focus has to start […]
Creating Mood
Our best images are much more than simply good composition in good light. Our best images are successful because they evoke an emotional response in our viewers; transporting them back to a place and time, allowing them to experience a moment in the same way we did as the photographer. To truly succeed, our images […]
The Lightroom Range Mask
For most of the time its been around, the local adjustment tools in Adobe Lightroom have paled in comparison to the power and precision of the comparable masking and adjustment tools in Photoshop. Lightroom’s attraction has always been its intuitive ease of use. The gap between Lightroom and Photoshop noticeably narrowed with the introduction of […]
Wait for the Trigger
This is such a simple concept, and yet it’s so often overlooked by photographers. I’ve been re-reading Jay Maisel’s “It’s Not About the F-Stop”. Among so many jewels of wisdom contained there, this one stood out: “Wait for the Trigger”. How often do we encounter a lovely scene, point our camera at it and press […]
Simplify …
Creating strong images is often more about what you choose to exclude from your compositions than what you include. Extraneous objects, distracting bright spots, or other visual detritus rarely add anything to what you are trying to say visually. All elements of your images possess “visual weight”: that tendency for each element to grab and […]