Will AI enhance or undermine creativity?Adobe is going all in on artificial intelligence (AI) in its products, most notably for us, Lightroom and Photoshop. I’ll admit to watching, somewhat slack-jawed, as Lightroom’s AI Generative Fill seamlessly removes distracting elements from an image.AI offers great promise in assisting with many mundane but no less important tasks, […]
New Year’s Resolutions for Photographers
A new year and the chance for a new start. What will you focus on this year? Perhaps you will resolve to spend more time shooting? Perhaps you’ll venture into a new (to you) genre. Perhaps you will finally take a deep dive into your camera manual and fully master all its important features. These […]
Never Center Your Subject ???
The art of composition is full of rules; one of them being, “Don’t ‘bullseye’ your subject in the centre of the frame”. Overly centered compositions are generally considered static and boring — the “Rule of Thirds” which we all learn early on, is a way to break the static nature of centered compositions. But, there […]
AI-based Noise Reduction for Lightroom!
On April 18th, Adobe released a game-changing update to Lightroom and Camera Raw. While there are some interesting improvements in masking that will be of interest to portrait photographers, and we finally have the Tone Curve in local adjustments, the big news is in the Detail Panel. With little fanfare and even less advance notice, […]
Create Depth for More Engaging Images
Excerpted from my eBook, “Another Twelve Ways to Improve Your Photography”. Available here (Originally published on BPSOP.com, here) Photography is a two-dimensional medium desperately trying to represent a three-dimensional world. Without some help from us, it often fails.We view the world with two eyes rather than one, so a sense of three-dimensional depth is an […]
Twelve Ways to Improve Your Photography
The first of what will be a series of short books covering photographic related topics. Hopefully useful, sometimes thought provoking or at least interesting. Most will cost no more than $5, and the first one is on me. No-charge! Free! Nada! No-strings attached. All I ask is that you provide me with some honest feedback […]